Industry Trends

Explore the latest in HR innovation, company culture insights, and professional growth strategies on Rock Enrollment's blog.

Re-Engaging Employees After Summer
Tips to Boost Morale and Productivity

Re-engaging employees after summer is all about creating a supportive and motivating environment. By setting new goals, fostering team spirit, offering flexibility, and recognizing achievements, you can help your team transition smoothly and remain motivated through the rest of the year.

Why Employee Benefits Rock! In today's competitive job market, offering comprehensive and attractive benefits is no longer a luxury—it's a necessity.

Balancing Work and Vacation Time At Rock Enrollment, we are committed to helping organizations create environments where employees can thrive both at work and at play.

Maximizing Employee Engagement: What Activities Work Best? Rocking Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is the cornerstone of a productive and thriving workplace. Engaged employees are not only more satisfied with their jobs but also more motivated, innovative, and loyal. At Rock Enrollment, we continuously explore the most effective ways to boost employee engagement. Recently, we conducted a poll to understand what types of engagement activities resonate most with our audience. Here’s a deep dive into the results and why these activities are crucial for fostering a vibrant workplace culture.

Back to School Employee Benefits Supporting Working Parents

Supporting working parents during the back-to-school transition is not only compassionate, but also beneficial for overall workplace productivity and morale. Here are some ways employers can help.

The Value of Employee Benefits to Businesses

Discover how investing in employee benefits can save your business money in the long run. From reducing turnover costs to controlling healthcare expenses, explore the financial advantages here!

Rock Your Benefits: Exploring Additional Employee Benefits

Employee benefits extend far beyond healthcare and retirement plans, encompassing a variety of perks and incentives designed to support employees' well-being and enhance job satisfaction. Let's delve into the ins and outs of additional employee benefits, highlighting their importance and impact on overall workplace satisfaction.

Rock Your Benefits: Navigating Retirement Plans

Retirement benefits are a vital component of an employee's compensation package, offering financial security and peace of mind during their golden years. Understanding the ins and outs of retirement benefits is essential for planning your future. Let's explore the key aspects of retirement benefits that employees should understand and how they can impact financial well-being.

Activate Your Workforce

Activate your workforce and unlock their full potential with purpose, collaboration, and growth. Learn how to ignite productivity and innovation in your workplace today!

3 Items to Look for in Your Benefits Package

Understand your benefits package here and explore three valuable benefits that are often overlooked.

Embracing Human-Centric Cultures: The Shift in Employee Benefits

Understanding Human-Centric Cultures: Explore the shift away from traditional grind culture towards environments prioritizing employee well-being and holistic development. Discover how this transformation is revolutionizing work practices and employee benefits.

Rock Your Benefits: Understanding Health Benefits

Healthcare benefits are a crucial aspect of any employment package, offering financial security and peace of mind to employees and their families. Understanding the ins and outs of healthcare benefits is essential for making informed decisions about your well-being. Learn how to make the most of your benefits!

Employee Benefits: What’s Trending in 2024

Discover the latest trends shaping employee benefits in 2024, including flexibility, personalized choices, and holistic well-being. Learn how companies are adapting to meet the diverse needs of their workforce while prioritizing work-life balance and overall employee satisfaction.

Change your benefit plan to a Workforce Gratitude Plan

It is time to change how we look and speak about things we have never considered changing. The best place to start is employee benefit plans.

Meet Amy Nelli: From Blue Cross Forms to Rock Enrollment

Meet Amy Nelli, a trailblazer in the world of employee benefits. From her start as a recruiter to founding Rock Enrollment, her journey showcases resilience, innovation, and a passion for making a difference. Discover how Amy is rewriting the rules of engagement in HR and benefit administration.

The Impact of Benefits on Overall Employee Health

Let’s explore the impact of employee benefits on health and well-being in our latest blog. Learn how better enrollment and engagement strategies can enhance overall employee satisfaction and productivity.